Women Techmakers Montreal team is all composed of volunteers who think that empowering, encouraging and inspiring women in tech is important.
Core team
Laurence de Villers
GDG Montreal Organizer, Women Techmakers ambassador
Houda Kaddioui
M.D | Scientifique en intelligence artificielle | Ambassadrice Women Techmakers
Marie-Philippe Gill
Blogger @ Girl Knows Tech, NLP Research Developer at Croesus
Gemma Trigueros
UX Designer at FLO
Magali Razafimahazo
UX Designer at Sid Lee
Delal Tomruk
Technology Analyst at Morgan Stanley
Stefania Pecòre
Data Scientist at Behaviour Interactive, Women Techmakers ambassador, Women in AI et Women in Games mentor, Technovation Montréal speaker
Carolina Torres Restrepo
Software Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist, Advertising Professional, Founder of Red Mujeres x El Mundo, Women Techmakers Ambassador, Adobe Express Ambassador.